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Building a Growth Team: Types of Structures to Consider for Your Organisation

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  • Building a successful growth team is crucial for organisations.

  • Different growth team structures to consider:

    • Cross-functional team: members from different departments working together.

    • Functional Team: Members from the same department focusing on improving it.

    • Hybrid Team: Combination of cross-functional and functional teams for collaboration and optimization

    • Agile Team: Members work in short sprints, are adaptable, and are responsive to feedback.

  • Choosing the right team structure is important for success.

  • Consider organisational values, goals, and culture when selecting a structure.

  • A well-structured growth team can unlock new growth opportunities and long-term success.

Building a successful growth team can be a game-changer for your organisation. A well-structured team can help you identify opportunities for growth, design and implement effective strategies, and measure the impact of your efforts. However, choosing the right growth team structure can be challenging.

Let's jump in and explore different types of growth team structures that you can consider when building your team.

  1. Cross-Functional Team: A cross-functional team is composed of members from different departments or areas of expertise. The team members bring unique perspectives and skills to the table and work together towards a common goal. This structure is ideal for organisations that value collaboration and teamwork.

  2. Functional Team: A functional team is composed of members from the same department or area of expertise. The team members have a deep understanding of the specific function they are responsible for and work together to improve it. This structure is ideal for organisations that want to optimise specific areas of their business.

  3. Hybrid Team: A hybrid team is a combination of cross-functional and functional teams. The team is composed of members from different departments who work together to optimise specific areas of the business. This structure is ideal for organisations that want to achieve both collaboration and optimisation.

  4. Agile Team: An agile team is composed of members who work together in short sprints to achieve specific goals. The team members are highly adaptable and can quickly pivot their strategy based on feedback and data. This structure is ideal for organisations that want to move quickly and experiment with different approaches.


Choosing the right growth team structure is crucial for the success of your organization's growth efforts. By considering different team structures, you can identify the one that aligns with your organization's values, goals, and culture. Whether you choose a cross-functional, functional, hybrid, or agile team, building a growth team with the right structure can help you unlock new opportunities for growth and drive long-term success.